
Application for CDC
Log-in for CDC application

Application for CDC: click to ‘CDC Management after login in the above link. Follow the instructions. For correction in CDC database and the CDC booklet such as expiry date/issue date.../passport number etc are to be directly taken up with respective Shipping Master office. The photograph and signature to be uploaded with correct size as per the instructions or it will be rejected. After uploading the same, the candidate may submit the application only after checking that the scanned photograph or signature properly fits in the respective fields. If not, it has to be re uploaded. Show More


Linking of INDOS Number
DGS Eng. Cir.6 of 2013
DGS Eng. Cir. 01 of 2022

Integration/updation of Data E profile 1. There may be instances where the CDC details are not available in the INDoS checker & vice versa.All the seafarers are requested to once login the CDC checker and check Integration/updation of Data E profile 1. There may be instances where the CDC details are not available in the INDoS checker & vice versa.All the seafarers are requested to once login to the CDC checker and check whether the CDC details are visible in CDC checker. In cases the details are not visible in CDC checker, then the candidate may please fill and submit an online application available at ( after which an online application number would be generated. The said application will be processed by respective Shipping Master office. Queries with respect to such application may please be taken up with the respective Shipping Master office, by sending email to the IDs given above with a copy to the supervisory officer.The application number may please be mentioned in the e-mail.2. In those cases, wherein the CDC details are visible in the checker, but the INDOS number is not reflected or incorrectly reflected in the CDC details, it indicates that the CDC and INDOS data requires integration. In such cases, the seafarer may please fill the excel sheet given therein and forward the same by e-mail to the respective shipping master. The Shipping Master office, after necessary verification would, forward the same to e-Governance cell for integration. The correct data would be automatically reflected, once the integration is carried out. Time required for the same would be seven working days.3. All the seafarers are requested to carry out the above exercise so that the CDC details and INDOS details are suitably updated and any potential delay in issuance of renewal/duplicate/replacement CDC later can be avoided. Show More


Master Checker
DGS Order 18 of 2022 DGS Order 20 of 2022

All indian seafarers have been provided with the facility to view his/her online data in the master Checker attached to his profile. This incude CDC details, Training details, sea service details, COC details,... details of other certificates like Watch keeping, Dangerous Cargo endorsement, GMDSS etc. This data is uploaded in the system by the issuing agencies. Therefore, the data to be checked frequently and if there is any corrections required, then the candidates has to approach the respective agencies such as INDOS cell or for: • CDC details- Respective Shipping Master • Training details- Respective Training Institute • COC details- DG Shipping/ E-Governace • WKC/Dangerous Cargo/GMDSS- Respective MMDs • Sea service details- Shipping Company if Articles of Agreement is to be uploaded or RPSL if the Form –III A is to be uploaded.(RPSL cannot uploaded the data which is more than three months old). The RPSL agencies, Maritime Training institutes and the Ship owners are requested to upload the data regularly in time, so as to avoid difficulties to seafarers at the time of the assessment for examination or endorsements. Show More


Renewal CDC
MS Notice 01 of 2020
MSC Resolution 402(96)

Queries related to fresh CDC/renewal/replacement /duplicate CDC and Certificate of Competency (Cook) may be directly taken up with the respective Shipping Master ...2. Requests for correction in the online CDC database and the CDC booklet such as expiry date/issue date/passport number etc may please be taken up directly with the respective Shipping Master office.3. It is seen that while applying for the CDC online, the candidates scan and upload the entire page/sheet containing the photograph or signature. As a result, the photograph and signature, that appears on the CDC while printing is of very small size. It is requested that only the photograph or signature may be selected/highlighted and scanned and not the entire page. After uploading the same, the candidate may submit the application only after checking that the scanned photograph or signature properly fits in the respective fields. If not, the candidate is requested to re upload the same.4. Application for Certificate of Competency (Cook):For making the application the candidates may please click to ‘CDC Management & CoC as Cook’ after login on to e- Governance at Steps/instructions for making the application are mentioned in the module itself.Show More


Linking of INDOS Number
DGS Eng. Cir.6 of 2013
DGS Eng. Cir. 01 of 2022

Integration/updation of Data E profile 1. There may be instances where the CDC details are not available in the INDoS checker & vice versa.All the seafarers are requested to once login the CDC checker and check Integration/updation of Data E profile 1. There may be instances where the CDC details are not available in the INDoS checker & vice versa.All the seafarers are requested to once login to the CDC checker and check whether the CDC details are visible in CDC checker. In cases the details are not visible in CDC checker, then the candidate may please fill and submit an online application available at ( after which an online application number would be generated. The said application will be processed by respective Shipping Master office. Queries with respect to such application may please be taken up with the respective Shipping Master office, by sending email to the IDs given above with a copy to the supervisory officer.The application number may please be mentioned in the e-mail.2. In those cases, wherein the CDC details are visible in the checker, but the INDOS number is not reflected or incorrectly reflected in the CDC details, it indicates that the CDC and INDOS data requires integration. In such cases, the seafarer may please fill the excel sheet given therein and forward the same by e-mail to the respective shipping master. The Shipping Master office, after necessary verification would, forward the same to e-Governance cell for integration. The correct data would be automatically reflected, once the integration is carried out. Time required for the same would be seven working days.3. All the seafarers are requested to carry out the above exercise so that the CDC details and INDOS details are suitably updated and any potential delay in issuance of renewal/duplicate/replacement CDC later can be avoided. Show More


Master Checker
DGS Order 18 of 2022 DGS Order 20 of 2022

All indian seafarers have been provided with the facility to view his/her online data in the master Checker attached to his profile. This incude CDC details, Training details, sea service details, COC details,... details of other certificates like Watch keeping, Dangerous Cargo endorsement, GMDSS etc. This data is uploaded in the system by the issuing agencies. Therefore, the data to be checked frequently and if there is any corrections required, then the candidates has to approach the respective agencies such as INDOS cell or for: • CDC details- Respective Shipping Master • Training details- Respective Training Institute • COC details- DG Shipping/ E-Governace • WKC/Dangerous Cargo/GMDSS- Respective MMDs • Sea service details- Shipping Company if Articles of Agreement is to be uploaded or RPSL if the Form –III A is to be uploaded.(RPSL cannot uploaded the data which is more than three months old). The RPSL agencies, Maritime Training institutes and the Ship owners are requested to upload the data regularly in time, so as to avoid difficulties to seafarers at the time of the assessment for examination or endorsements. Show More


Corrections in INDoS database

The seafarers are informed that the INDoS database is the primary or basic data from the data gets populated and used for different applications. Hence if they wish to make any corrections in the data..., they may approach the INDoS cell for corrections. The e-mail id of INDoS cell is . Following corrections can be done by the INDoS cell a) The seafarers data not updated/record does not exist. - Please forward the scanned copy of copy of INDoS certificate. Time required for correction -24 hrs b) Name & date of birth correction- Please forward the scanned copy of Indos certificate, passport and CDC. Time required for correction -24 hrs c) Correction of other personal details like place of birth/ state of birth /country of birth/ nationality/ height /hair color/ eye color/ identification mark/complexion.- Please forward the scanned copy of INDoS certificate, passport and CDC. Time required for correction -24 hrs d) Changes of discipline / gender-Please forward the scanned copy of INDoS certificate, passport and CDC. Time required for correction -24 hrs e) Multiple INDoS numbers- Forward an email to INDOS cell indicating the details of INDOS certificates and scanned copy of CDC. Time required for correction -48 hrs Show More


Role of DG Shipping

The Directorate deals with implementation of shipping policy and legislation so as to ensure the safety of life and ships at sea, prevention of marine pollution, promotion of maritime education ...) and training in co-ordination with the International Maritime Organisation, regulation of employment and welfare of seamen, development of coastal shipping, augmentation of shipping tonnage, examination and certification of Merchant Navy Officers, Supervision and Control of the allied departments and officer under its administrative jurisdiction. The Director General of Shipping is vested with statutory powers under Section 7 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958. He is assisted, on the administrative side, by the Addl. Director General of Shipping, Dy. Directors General of Shipping, Asstt. Directors General of Shipping and Executive Officers whereas on the Technical side, by the Nautical Advisor, supported by Dy. Nautical Advisors and Nautical Surveyors; on the Engineering side by the Chief Surveyor, supported by Dy. Chief Surveyors, Dy. Chief Ship Surveyor, Engineer & Ship Surveyors and Ship Surveyor and also with supporting staff. The Nautical Advisor and the Chief Surveyor are also the Chief Examiners of Masters/Mates and Engineers respectively on behalf of the Director General Of Shipping.Show More


Eligibility for DC Endorsements

Minimum requirement for DC endorsemet on tankers 1.Ratings: Have completed an approved shore-based fire-fighting course and shall have completed and at least ninety days of approved sea-going service on tankers ... or an approved tankers familiarization course 2. Masters, Chief Engineer Officers, Chief Mates, Second Engineer Officers and any person with immediate responsibility for loading discharging and care in transit or handling of cargo shall, in addition to meet the requirements of sub-rule(1), have at least ninety days experience approved to their duties on the type of tankers on which they serve; and completed an approved specialized training programme which at least covers the subjects set out in section A-V/1 of the STCW Code that are appropriate to their duties on Oil tanker, Chemical tanker and Liquefied gas tanker on which they serve. On satisfactory completion of such training an appropriate certificate shall be issued to the candidate. 3.Masters and Officers, who are qualified in accordance with sub-rule (2) shall present their certificate of competency to the Chief Examiner concerned or Examiner, as the case may be and obtain an endorsement for service on Oil tanker, Chemical tanker or Liquefied gas tanker as, appropriate. Show More


Procedure for RPSL Agents-DGS CIR.03 of 2023

Online module for RPSL Agents for the processes pertaining to the Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) was launched vide Merchant Shipping Notice No.6 of 2018 dated I 1 .10.201 8. ... Creating an online profile of the existing'RPS License and procedure,which provides the following sections: Company Profile, Liaison/Branch Address, Authorized Signatory, Employer Agreements (s), Ship (s), Management Personnel, Sponsorship Letter(s), Memorandum of Understanding (Mou), Bank Details, payment Details. It was noticed that many unscrupulous RPSL companies misused the edit option for e-migrating seafarers by making false entries. After careful examination of the matter it was decided to block the automatic edit option in the module.5' Therefore at present the automatic edit option is not available for updating Company profile, Ship(s), and Manning Agreements. In case any amendment required to be made in these sections, the user needs to send e-mail requests to the jurisdictional Director, Seamen, Employment Offices who in turn after scrutiny send the same to the E-governance cell/Directorate with his recommendation for the required amendment. For details pls follow the link given on the title. Show More


Uploading of data in case of de activated RPSL agents, DGS Circular No. 29 of 2021

Standard Operating Procedure to deal with cases where Sign-On / Sign-Off Sign-Off Shore / Date of Comnletion of contract / Arrivial India dates are not entered in to the seafarerrs sea service details e-governance svstem bv Shipping companv / RPSL which is now suspended / withdrawn / online privileges deactivated - Regarding suspended / withdrawn / online privileges deactivated l. RPSL concerned shall submit details with following supporting documents to jurisdictional Shipping Offrces i.e., Govemment Shipping Offices at Mumbai, Chennai & Kolkata via email I ; ; ]. a) Request letter by the Company / RPSL [Such a letter should not be insisted by jurisdictional Shipping Ofices if the request is made by seafarer himself if such RPSL is not co-operating with the seafarer to give request letter.l b) Copy of CDC [Front page showing applicants' details, inside pages showing entry details of voyage with Masters' stamp and signature] c) Copy of Passport [Front page showing applicant's details, inside pages showing departure date and arrival date with immigration stampl d) Copy of Seafarer Employment Agreement e) Copies of monthly account of wages/details of remittance of wages into account of seafarer paid to the seafarer during his / her engagement. f) Copy of fee receipt of Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred Fifty Rupees Only) paid by the RPSL through Bharatkosh for each entry to be made in e-govemance system 2. In cases where Sign-On Ship date is missing, the jurisdictional Shipping Master shall obtain necessary data about location of the ship from MDAC/Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) data center to verify the place of Sign-On Ship details provided by the RPS/Seafarer Show More


Requirement to submit BSID from 01.04.2023. DGS Crew Cirgular No.23 of 2022

It has been decided that the seafarers should be in possession of BSID prior applying for the following activities from 01.04.2023.:a) Issuance of Renewal/Duplicate/Replacement of CDCs; b) Issuance/Revalidation of all CoCs & Cops. c) Admission ... to all Competency, Simulator & Modular Courses except Basic Safety Training (BST), Security Training for Seafarer with Designated 'security Duties (STSDSD) which are required for issuance of CDC and BSID.5. Whereas, the seafarers are requested to fully utilize all the available slots. The Maritime Training Institutes (MTIs); Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers (RPS) Companies; Shipping Companies; Unions etc are requested to disseminate the said information amongst seafareri and advise & facilitate the Seafarers/Trainees for booking slots for data collection at the nearest data collection centers. 6. Whereas, it shall be mandatory for MTIs to strictly follow the instructions in para 4 (c) above. Admission taken in violation of above instruction will consider as major non compliance and necessary action shall be initiated against MTIs as per the issued DGS Order i.e. DGS Order 05 and 07 of2016. 7. This circular will come into effect from 0l.04.2023. Show More


Lorem Ipsum

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DGS Contacts

DG Shipping, MUMBAI.
श्री राजीव जलोटा, भा.प्र.से.
Shri Shyam Jagannathan, IAS
टेलिफोन नं./ Tel Nos. 022-25752005 / 25752010
Email :

DG Shipping Organisational Chart
DGS Contact Email ids

Directorate General of Shipping, Govt. of India
9th Floor, Beta Building,
i-Think Techno Campus, Kanjurmarg (East), Mumbai - 400 042 ( India )
Tel. No. : 91-22-25752040/41/42/43/45
Fax.No. :91-22-25752029/35; Email :

Capt.A K Azad,Principal Officer(I/C)
Mercantile Marine Department
Old CGO Building, M.K. Road,Mumbai-400 020
Tel No: 022-2203 9881/ 2203 9883
e-mail :,

Shri Killi Mohana Rao,Principal Officer,
Mercantile Marine Department
Marine House, Hastings, Kolkata-700 022
Tel No: 033-2223 0236/37/38/0229 /

Shri Ajith Kumar Sukumaran,Principal Officer
Mercantile Marine Department,Anchorgate Building, 2nd Floor,
P.B.No.5004, RajajiSalai, Chennai -600 001
Tel No: 044-25255555,044-25233336,044-25255503(Direct)

Capt. Santosh kumar S. Darokar
Principal Officer (I/C),Mercantile Marine Department,
Plot No. 16, Sector-8,Government Office Area, Behind KPT Admin Building,
Near Maitri Bhavan, Gandhidham, Pin Code- 370201
Tel.No.02836-297015 (D)Tel.No.02836-297127/28 (O)
Email: (PO), (office)

3rd floor, Deep Bhavan, Pandit Nehru Marg,
Jamnagar - 361 008
Tel No: 0288-2752873,

Shri Sajendra Oran, Surveyor in Charge,
Mercantile Marine Department,
# 7-8-26/A, Harbour Park Down,
Visakhapatnam-530 003
Tel No: 0891-250148/2525475, E-mail : -

Capt.R Muduli,Principal Officer-(I/c) Kochi
Mercantile Marine Department
Willingdon Island, North End PO,Kochi - 682 009
Tel No: 0484-2666489 (D) /2587000-38 (Office)
e-mail :

Shri Bhodh Raj
Mercantile Marine Department."A" block, First Floor,
MMD Resi Qtr. Bldg,23rd Street, NMPT Colony Panambur,
Mangalore 575 010.
Tel / Fax No.0824-2400430/2407572
e-mail :

Shri Mukhopadhy, Surveyor-in charge
Mercantile Marine Department,P.B.No. 20, Port Blair,
Andaman & Nicobar Islands-744 101
Tel No: 03192-232530,Fax No: 01392-234830

Shri R R Subbarao, Surveyor-in-Charge
Mercantile Marine Department
New Port Area,
Tuticorin-628 004
Tel No: 0461-2352872 (O), Fax No:91- 0461-2352852
E-mail : -

Capt. R. Poswal
IWAI Bhawan, 3rd Floor, A-13, Sector-01,
Noida-201301(U.P.),Tel No:0120-2420742

Shri S.K. Shrivastava, SIC
Headland Sada,Goa-403804
Tel No:0832-2520617

Shri Aniruddha Chaki,E&SS-cum-DDG(Tech)
Mercantile Marine Department
Chiranjibpur (Opp. BSNL Office Building),
East Medinipur, Haldia-721604,West Bengal
Tel : 03224-252323/252968,E-Mail

Shri Purna Chandra Majhi, Surveyor In Charge
Mercantile Marine Department
Opp. Central School,Dist. Jagatsinghpur, Paradip,
Orissa-754 142,Tel: 06722-220053

Help Desk Cell
Shri Deependra Singh Bisen DDG,
Training Branch , e-Governance , Administration Branch , Public Grievance ,

Government Shipping Office
Shipping Master,Mumbai:
Nau Bhavan, 10 R,K, Marg, Mumbai-400 001
Tel No: 022-22697971-72,

Government Shipping Office
Shipping Master,Kolkata:
Marine House, Hastings, Kolkata-700 022
Tel No: 033-22230517/527,

Government Shipping Office
Govt. Shipping Office,Anchorgate Building, 3rd Floor,
P.B.No.5004, Rajaji Salai,Chennai-600 001
Tel No: 044-25255552,