The main intention of “Suraksha Yan" is to provide services to the marine industry at Kochi. We undertake all types of third-party Surveys, inspections, and Audits of the ships. We also undertake surveys and inspections of fishing vessels and inland vessels. Also, help the companies with the Role of Port Superintendent, Owners Representative, Project Management of New Construction & Drydocking. The other information provided on the site is only for reference, mainly for maritime students. Please check the authentic sources for the correctness of the information.
The Directorate General of Shipping serves as the apex body of India's maritime administration. Its responsibilities ...encompass the enforcement of the Merchant Shipping Act, and the formulation of shipping policies and legislation. This Directorate ensures the safety of lives and ships at sea, prevents marine pollution, promotes maritime education and training, regulates the employment and welfare of seafarers, and fosters the development of coastal shipping. Additionally, it works on augmenting the shipping tonnage, examining and certifying Merchant Navy Officers, and supervising and controlling the Mercantile Marine Department, Shipping Office, and other allied offices.. Show More
The Mercantile Marine Departments (MMDs) operate under the administrative control of the Directorate General of Shipping (DGS) ... and are responsible for the implementation of the Merchant Shipping Act. These offices handle registration of the ships, all examinations and endorsements for the revalidation of Certificates of Competency (CoC). They also manage surveys, certifications, and registrations of ships and related activities. MMDs conduct statutory certifications aligned with international conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL, and the International Load Line. Their responsibilities include overseeing ship construction surveys, investigating shipping casualties, participating in search and rescue operations, and inspecting and approving statutory equipment such as life-saving and firefighting appliances, GMDSS, navigational aids, and pollution prevention equipment. Additionally, MMDs supervise repairs and construction of ships on behalf of state and central government organizations. They carry out Flag State Implementation and Port State Control inspections, as well as ISM & ISPS audits, ensuring compliance with international safety and security standards. Show More
Government Shipping Officeat Mumbai(Emaid:, Kolkata(Email Id: and... Chennai(Email Id: are established under Section 11 of MS Act 1958 are responsible for monitoring the engagementand discharge of seafarers, settlement of disputes between the seafarers and their employers, issue of continuous discharge certificates (CDC) conduct of enquiries into death onboard ships etc.The Govt. Shipping Office is headed by the Shipping Master. All CDC/BSID related issues are dealt by shipping master. This include issuence of CDC, revalidation, relacement of CDC.Also under takes the liaison work between the Indian seamen and the officials of the country they visit and render all assistance to the seamen in case of distress Show More
Role of IMO in ShippingIMO Website
IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships. IMO's work supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)As a specialized agency of the United Nations, IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented. IMO encourages innovation and efficiency.Shipping is a truly international industry, and it can only operate effectively if the regulations and standards are implemented on an international basis. And IMO is the forum at which this process takes place.International shipping transports more than 80 per cent of global trade to peoples and communities all over the world. Shipping is the most efficient and cost-effective method of international transportation for most goods; it provides a dependable, low-cost, enviorment friendly means of transporting goods globally, facilitating commerce and helping to create prosperity among nations and peoples. Show More
Indian Register of ShippingIRS Website
Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass) is an international ship classification society providing ship classification and ...certification as well as technical inspection services. IRClass is a recognized organization of Govt of India and continually paving the way for setting standards for safety, environment protection and tackling issues affecting the maritime industry. IRClass provides solutions for Maritime Risk Management’of ships, compatible witht their safety. Show More
Forms & ChecklistLink to Forms & Checklist
Most of the application forms and checlists are available in the MMD Mumbai website. All the forms and can be downloded ...and can used in all MMDs also. . The forms and checklists are avialable in the MMD Mumbai website under downloads. the link is given above. Show More